CERMATE is a professional hardware manufacturer specializing in the production of Human Machine Interface (HMI) touch screen hardware. Cermate Technologies Inc. produces HMI, Win CE System Touch Panel (WinCE Panel PC), Industrial Panel PC (IPC), touch monitors and USB adapters. Cermate currently supplies over 100,000 units of our easy-to-use high-quality hardware to successful businesses worldwide, including Advantech, Honeywell and Fatek. The company and the products are environmentally friendly. They incorporate LED backlights for energy savings, compact packaging design, and comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive. From our 100% guaranteed test for the highest quality, to our excellent customer service and commitment to always provide you with the best, most innovative technology, you can rest assured in your purchases from Cermate, a Certain Mate of Humans and Machines.

K-Series Economy HMI Panels       T-Series Enhanced HMI Panels
>> More about K-Series Economy HMI Panels       >> More about T-Series Enhanced HMI Panels
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X-Series Advanced HMI Panels Gateway
>> More about X-Series Advanced HMI Panels >> More about Gateway
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>> More about PanelExpress